Updated Icon Modifiers and Embedding for 360 images

Here are a couple more helpful features we pushed out just before the new year. This was originally published in our newsletter… if you’re not subscribed to our newsletter, why not?!

New Icon Modifiers.

We’re still in flat HTML land, but that doesn’t mean we can’t go 3D! You can now adjust all 3 Axes of any icon, which allows for some interesting perspective manipulation!

We’ve also added the ability to have a colored shadow to add even more realism/depth.

#Protip: Setting the Hotspot background color to an opacity of 0 makes this effect really pop.

Embed Hotspot Additions.

We’ve updated the Embed Hotspot to allow even more goodies! You can now use direct HTTPS links to any publicly available .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, ppt, pptx, .doc, .docx, .xls, and .xlsx files.

As a bonus time saver, you can also put in a website URL and SeekBeak will automatically iFrame it for you.

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