\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cspan style=\"font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12px\">Courtyard housing, or ‘courts’ as they were simply known, is a form of high density, low quality housing which was prevalent in Liverpool in the 19th century. Initially developed in the early 18th century to fill-in spaces behind street front houses, courtyards were established off streets, and entered through narrow passageways. Small back-to-back houses were built around the courts, to accommodate the growing population of the town. It is estimated that by the mid 19th century around half of Liverpool’s working class population lived in court housing.\x3C/span>\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cbr />\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cspan style=\"font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12px\">Small homes were crammed in behind street front houses and shops, facing on to courtyards. In Liverpool courts were very common, becoming home to around half of the town’s working class people by the mid 19th century. Courts were seen as ‘slum’ housing by the early 20th century and a thorough programme of ‘slum clearance’ moved people to better living conditions and demolished these rundown old houses. As a result there is only one standing example of a court remaining, on Pembroke Place three houses survive as the back rooms of shops, where originally 16 would have made up two courts.\x3C/span>\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cbr />\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cbr />\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cbr />\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cbr />\x3C/p>",display_name:"Liverpool Court Housing"},snap_group_order:0,owner:!1,thumbnail_url:"https://snapdatab2.seekbeak.com/teams/9g6lgV87LbA/snaps/eEB15PDaqgV/i/bgFPLoxIKThXSUST_200.jpg",camera_waypoints:$R[11]=[],camera_paths:$R[12]=[]},redirect:null,fullUrl:"https://seekbeak.com/v/eEB15PDaqgV?nadir_image_display=false&zenith_image_display=false&custom_branding_display=false&snap_header_visible=false&snap_navbar_visible=false&snap_text_nav_dropdown_display=false&map_open=false"});_$HY.r["000000000400000000000102000"]=$R[7];$R[6]($R[3],!0);