\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cspan style=\"font-family:"Arial Black", "Arial Bold", Arial-BoldMT, Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:16px\">Important events that have taken place at the castle include \"Sturemorden\" in 1567 (the murder by the mentally ill King Erik XIV of several noblemen accused of treason), and the decision by Gustav II Adolf that Sweden should participate in what would later develop into the Thirty Years' War. It was in the Rikssal in the castle that Schering Rosenhane announced the abdication of Queen Kristina on 6 June, 1654.\x3C/span>\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cbr />\x3C/p>\x3Cp>\x3Cspan style=\"font-family:"Arial Black", "Arial Bold", Arial-BoldMT, Gadget, sans-serif;font-size:16px\">The castle was seriously damaged by fire in 1702, being reduced essentially to a ruin. Reconstruction took many years, and was indeed hampered by the remains of the castle being used as a quarry for stone to be used in building Stockholm Palace.\x3C/span>\x3C/p>",display_name:"Uppsala Slott (Uppsala Castle"},snap_group_order:0,owner:!1,thumbnail_url:"https://snapdatab2.seekbeak.com/teams/gQ9LwbzKM16/snaps/rNj79pP21Jd/i/mkhAGHAeSyiijskU_200.jpg",camera_waypoints:$R[12]=[],camera_paths:$R[13]=[]},redirect:null,fullUrl:"https://seekbeak.com/v/rNj79pP21Jd"});_$HY.r["000000000400000000000102000"]=$R[7];$R[6]($R[3],!0);