How Virtual 360 is Revolutionizing Marketing and Storytelling

How Virtual 360 is Revolutionizing Marketing and Storytelling

In a world where audience attention is fleeting, marketers need innovative solutions to captivate and engage their target audience. Virtual 360 experiences offer a unique opportunity for brands to immerse users directly in their narratives. SeekBeak’s platform empowers marketers to transform traditional content into interactive stories, putting the audience at the center and boosting engagement 

Immersive Storytelling Like Never Before

Traditional content often limits audiences to passive viewing. Virtual 360 technology, however, puts them in control, allowing users to explore content at their own pace. Imagine showcasing your product or service in a fully immersive virtual environment where viewers can navigate through the story, engaging with different elements as they see fit. This interactivity builds stronger emotional connections and deeper engagement with your brand.


Here’s a great example from World Vision, showcasing how they used SeekBeak to illustrate a young girl’s journey to collect water for her family.

Learn how World Vision helped tell a story using immersive 360.

Boost Engagement and Attention

Virtual 360 experiences capture attention and boost engagement through their interactive and immersive format. According to the Content Marketing Institute, interactive content can increase engagement by up to 50%. Additionally, Demand Metric reports that such content is 93% more effective at educating buyers. Panomatics found that websites with 360 content hold viewers’ attention up to five times longer, increasing conversion potential. Platforms like SeekBeak enable marketers to leverage these benefits, creating memorable and impactful brand experiences.

Showcase Products in New Dimensions

Virtual 360 allows marketers to showcase products, services, or spaces from every angle. Whether you’re highlighting product features or giving a virtual tour, this format lets users zoom in and explore with unmatched detail. This capability is especially impactful for industries like real estate, tourism, and event marketing, where immersive visuals influence decision-making.


The Ronald McDonald House in Fargo, North Dakota, offers accommodations to families with children receiving intensive medical care. This virtual tour helps families familiarize themselves with the space and allows donors to see the impact of their contributions. It includes a custom splash page with navigation instructions and links for donations and volunteering.

Check our The Ronald McDonald House Virtual Tour

Increased Shareability

Unique and engaging content tends to be shared more frequently. Virtual 360 experiences are visually compelling and offer a fresh format, making them highly shareable on social media. SeekBeak experiences are easily shared by simply clicking a share button!  This not only expands your brand’s reach but also positions your content as cutting-edge, giving you an edge over competitors using standard formats.

Personalized Experiences

Virtual 360 also allows for personalized marketing. By letting users choose their paths through the content, marketers provide a form of self-guided storytelling. Interactive elements like hotspots and calls to action can be tailored to user preferences, increasing both engagement and conversion potential.


One of our users, Tosolini Productions, created a virtual expo hall to showcase branded messaging embedded in 360-degree media through a series of fictional companies. It’s perfect for remote business storytelling via screen-sharing on platforms like Zoom, Webex, or Microsoft Teams.

To explore, rotate the view and click on orange highlights or arrows to discover more content. Navigation options are available in the bottom right corner for easy exploration.

Interact with Tosolini’s incredible Expo Tour

Data-Driven Insights

SeekBeak’s platform provides marketers with valuable insights into user interactions. You can track which parts of the experience engage viewers the most, where they click, and how long they linger on different elements. These insights help optimize future marketing efforts and ensure your storytelling resonates with your audience.

Learn more about SeekBeak’s Reporting and Analytics feature

Stay Ahead of the Curve

As technology evolves, consumers expect more innovative experiences. Adopting virtual 360 early positions your brand as forward-thinking, showing your commitment to delivering top-tier experiences that keep audiences engaged and excited.

Incorporating virtual 360 into your marketing strategy will elevate your storytelling and transform how you connect with your audience. Platforms like SeekBeak make creating and sharing these immersive experiences easy, helping unlock the full potential of your brand’s narrative.

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