How do I Embed My 360 Image in a Website?

Embedding your 360 Photo in a website is very easy thanks to Seekbeak’s handy embed code. Click the share button at the bottom of the Snap, choose the “link” icon, and this window will open with the embed code window. You can now embed your Snap anywhere else …

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SeekBeek is on Embedly+Thumbnail Icon Support

Hi gang, Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, it was Mother’s Day here in Canada, so everyone was busy brunching the day away. Quick update today on a few things: SeekBeak now supports the oEmbed format and has just been accepted onto Embedly. Embedly is a great service …

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360 Image Analytics and Tracking with Custom Reporting

Hi Gang, Over the past few months, we’ve had multiple requests from folks wanting direct SeekBeak integration with their current marketing & advertising campaigns, and we’re happy to announce that this is now possible: SeekBeak Plus and Premium members now have the ability to use and track UTM codes for …

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Adding Colour to Your Virtual Tours and Snaps

Hi Beakers, Much like good ‘ol 1940, SeekBeak has exited the B&W age, and is ushering in a whole new era of color! What am I talking about? Well, there’s yet another new update that will magically appear next time you log in: SeekBeak now allows you to …

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Adding a Nadir or Zenith Patch to your 360 image

One click Nadir/Zenith Patching! Well, maybe two or three clicks. I know it’s only been just over a week since the last newsletter, but we’ve just rolled out another batch of updates for all you guys and gals. The SeekBeak platform now allows you to non destructively patch the Nadir and Zenith …

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Introducing Virtual Tours for SeekBeak

You love Virtual Tours. At least, that’s the overwhelming feedback we’ve got from you! Over the past while, we’ve focused our programming nerd lasers on adding in some great features to help make your virtual tours in SeekBeak better, faster, and easier to make and distribute. The big …

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Spatial Audio in Virtual Tours and 360 photos

Hi SeekBeakers, We’ve just rolled over another new feature for all tiers, previously mainly seen in Flash-based virtual tour plugins: Spatial Audio via Head Related Transfer Functions! * crickets * In layman’s terms: You now have the option to use an Audio Hotspot as a speaker. Moving “away” …

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