Introducing: SeekBeak Enterprise!

After many months of development, we are proud to announce SeekBeak Enterprise: the best business platform for interactive 360 photo hosting and virtual tour/experience creation. With no complicated setup, hosting requirements, or installation required, SeekBeak Enterprise is the perfect solution for those who want to take complete control …

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How to Add eCommerce to Your 360 Photos & Virtual Tours

In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the unique eCommerce hotspot to connect your online store to your 360 photo or virtual tour. But first, lets see it in action (open the bottom navigation bar to go full screen). BeatDrop School eCommerce DemoSeekBeak Snap As you …

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SeekBeak Reports Guide: Powerful Data Analytics for 360 Photos

SeekBeak is proud to offer the most comprehensive data tracking reporting available on any 360 photo platform. Using our reports, you can really understand what users are interacting with and responding to. Your clients will love being able to track which images are bringing in traffic and which …

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How To Embed Rich Media in a 360 Photo (Embed Hotspots)

With the Embed Hotspot, you can embed a wide selection of content from other sites. Examples include but are not limited to: Videos from Youtube and Vimeo Google Maps Forms from Survey Monkey or Googles forms MailChimp Sign-up forms Slideshare, Prezi, presentations LinkedIn Profiles, Facebook Content, Instagram Content …

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What interactive elements can you add to your 360 photo?

The Hotspots in SeekBeak allow you to add multimedia content and metadata, bringing your 360° images and 360° virtual tours to life. Hotspots enable your users and clients to discover content that goes way beyond a simple still image. The SeekBeak Hotspots are rendered using resolution-independent vectors, so …

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Managing Teams in SeekBeak

Teams are a powerful way to organize groups of users, clients, or projects within SeekBeak. You can access Team Settings in the top right menu of your Dashboard. There are two types of Teams: Teams – Each Team is a completely unique entity, including all content, billing, users, …

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How to Create A Virtual Tour For Real Estate

We created this guide with Real Estate agents in mind, but the steps work just as well for anyone who is looking to create a virtual tour! Things You’ll Need: Some 360° or panorama photos of the space you want to show A SeekBeak Account (free up to …

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