Adding GPS Coordinates to your SeekBeak tour

It may be helpful to find coordinates on Google Maps if you want to share the exact location (latitude and longitude) for a Snap-on your SeekBeak tour.  SeekBeak automatically reads the GPS data encoded in the EXIF data embedded in your image, and depending on your preferences can …

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D.A.V.I.D - Dynamic Animated View Indicators, Dude.

What Are You Looking At? Well, now you can tell! We’ve been stealthily rolling out updates over the past few weeks, one of the bigger ones involves a much-requested feature to both our Maps and GeoTag Maps (Google Maps) integration: Dynamic Animated View Indicators, Dude. Radars, View Indicators, …

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Announcing SeekBeak Forms

What Were We Thinking!? …when we started the development of this latest addition to the SeekBeak family? Well, mainly: “How can we help SeekBeak users to find out more about their own users/clients/audience”. What if we could help you find out what a retail visitor thought about a …

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Apple Disables iOS Safari Gyro Functionality for VR/ WebXR Nav

Apple has released an update which disables real-time accelerometer and gyroscope data from iOS devices. With the new “Motion & Orientation Access” setting toggled off by default, SeekBeak (or ANY website for that matter) can’t read any of the phones motion data, and therefore won’t work in things …

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Image Gallery Updates

The Image Hotspot is growing up. It looks like everyone is now back at it again for the new year, so what better time to let you all know about some great new Image Hotspot features that have now been officially released? You know the Image Hotspot already, …

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Fostering Customer Confidence with 360° Retail Solutions

Boost Your Customer Base! In today’s digital age, customers are actively engaging online, browsing, purchasing, and comparing businesses. How can you distinguish your brand amidst competitors and provide customers with enriched engagement, fostering confidence in your business? One way is to offer your customers a 360-degree retail solution, …

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GPS, Geo Tag and Mapping Solutions for 360 Photos

Automatic GPS Mapping for Your 360 Photos Well, here’s a cool feature, requested largely in part by a surge of Drone photography folks using SeekBeak for their 360 image hosting! There’s a new group of preferences available to everyone, located in a new section inside the Snap Preferences …

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Unlimited Uploads, Role-Based Access and Much More

We are proud to announce that the latest version of SeekBeak is now live, and features some of our biggest updates yet. Over the last few months we’ve been hard at work, developing and evolving SeekBeak into a platform that truly allows 360 photographers to grow their businesses …

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