Embedding Dropbox Files in your SeekBeak Virtual Tour

Here’s a #protip we just came across while trying to embed a PDF file shared from a clients Dropbox account:

By default, Dropbox doesn’t allow you to iFrame any shared files, however, you can bypass it with this 1 Strange Trick!™

Make sure the Dropbox link-sharing mode is set to be available to anyone with the link, and copy the link.

Once you have the link, it’ll look something like:

www.dropbox.com/s/<random stuff>/file?dl=0

Simply paste that into the Embed Hotspot in SeekBeak, then change the dl=0 at the end to raw=1, like so:

www.dropbox.com/s/<random stuff>/file?raw=1

Save your changes, and watch as your embedded file springs to life!

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